"Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be."

-- Jose Ortega & Gasset

"The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results."

--Carl Jung


Oh what worse doubt, than that of your own thoughts...

So much hate inside myself...

So many questions with no real answers...

Does love overcome me? Or is it the lack of, that sends me searching?...only to find a wasteland of decaying dreams.

Indifferent to negative responses...looking to save face, not be seen as a fool; but then, only fooling myself.

Letting myself believe that this is a price I pay for being the person that I am; always giving my all, yet lacking in something....something that was ripped from me?

Could this be why I am always alone?; always the second choice?; the one left behind, having to find my own way out? and why do I always go back?

Do I enjoy the pain, the self doubt?

Sometimes I feel as though the fire that was once in me, that moved me, inspired me,.... has extinguished; leaving behind ashes and smoke.

Leaving me an empty shell, endlessly searching for actions that shatter my soul and words that bleed my heart dry; and so in suffering I feel.

The emptiness inside me fills with something tangible, real.

..and so I live.

Could this be the reason?